Printing Industries Craftsmanship Award
The Luminous World exhibition invitation was awarded a silver in the multipiece production category of the West Australian Print Industries Craftsmanship Awards.
Desktop Create Design Awards 2013

The Luminous World exhibition branding and catalogue have been shortlisted as finalists in the branding and print commercial categories of the Desktop Magazine Create Design Awards.
The winners will be announced on Nov 1 2013.
Museums Australia Multimedia and
Publication Design Awards

The Luminous World exhibiton was a finalist in five categories of the Musuem Australia Multimedia and Publication Design Awards.
The exhibition branding, catalogue and poster were also awarded ‘Best Branding’ & ‘Highly Commended’.

The Luminous World exhibiiton catalogue has recieved a For Print Only
UnderConsideration Award in the
Mix category.
FPO UnderConsideration Award
© Wesfarmers Arts 2013. Designed by Bronwyn Rogers Design Studio
Australian Graphic Design Biennale 2014
The Luminous World exhibition catalogue designed Bronwyn Rogers Design Studio was lucky enough to be a finalist in the highly coveted Australian Graphic Design Association Awards the AUSTRALIAN DESIGN BIENNALE.